Creating Document Sets

Creating Document Sets

Organizing your documents in Aethera is made easy with the Document Set feature. This allows you to group multiple documents together for quick and efficient access across the platform. Follow these steps to create a new Document Set:

You can manage your document sets from the Sets (opens in a new tab) page.

Steps to Create a Document Set

Open the Document Set Dialog

Located in the top left corner of the Aethera sets page, the "Create Document Set" button opens a window where you can start the set creation process.

Enter a Title for the Document Set

In the "Title" field, enter a name for your Document Set. This helps you easily identify the set later. For example, you might name it "Financial Docs" or "Project XYZ Files".

Choose a Color

Select a color for your Document Set from the available options. This color-coding can help you visually organize and distinguish between different sets at a glance.

Filter and Select Documents

Use the "Filter documents..." field to search for specific documents you want to add to the set. This is especially useful if you have a large number of files.

Add Documents to the Set

Check the boxes next to the filenames of the documents you want to include in your set. You can add any number of documents to a set.

Create the Set

Once you have selected all the documents you want to include, click the "Create Set" button. This will save your new Document Set, making it available for quick access and organization.

By following these steps, you can easily group related documents together, ensuring that your files are well-organized and easily accessible whenever you need them.