Check Usage

Checking Usage

The Usage tab in the settings page of Aethera allows you to monitor your plan quota, including document uploads and questions asked. It also provides information on when your usage will reset, in line with your billing cycle. Here’s how to check your usage:

Steps to Check Your Usage

Open Usage Settings

Navigate to the "Usage" tab in the settings section of your Aethera dashboard.

Monitor Your Quota

In the Usage tab, you will find the following information:

  • Documents: Displays the number of documents you have uploaded out of your total allowed quota.
  • Questions: Shows the number of questions you have asked our AI out of your total allowed quota.

Check Quota Reset Date

At the bottom of the Usage tab, you will see the date when your usage will reset. This is typically aligned with your billing cycle.


Regularly checking your usage ensures that you stay within your plan's limits and can plan your document uploads and AI interactions accordingly. Knowing your reset date helps you manage your activities more effectively within each billing cycle.