Managing Centralized Billing

Centralized Billing

Aethera offers centralized billing for organizations, allowing one card to be used to pay for all team members. This page provides an overview of how organization billing works, including details about seat charges and billing cycles.

How Organization Billing Works

Charges begin as soon as an invitation is sent out, regardless of whether the invite is accepted.

Organizations are charged for every seat they add, starting from the moment an invitation is sent (not when the member accepts). The charges are based on the monthly or yearly price of the plan your organization is on.

  • Plan-Based Pricing: The cost per seat depends on the plan your organization is subscribed to (e.g., Plus or Pro).
  • Minimum Seat Requirements:
    • Plus plan: Minimum of 2 seats.
    • Pro plan: Minimum of 3 seats.

Managing Seats and Billing

Adding Seats

When you invite new members, seats are automatically added and billed based on your current plan's pricing.

Removing Members or Invites

If you remove a member or an invitation, the seat becomes free and can be reallocated to another member without additional charges.

Billing Cycle

All empty seats will be cleared at the start of the next billing cycle, ensuring you are not charged for unused seats.

Minimum Seats Requirement

Ensure your organization maintains the minimum number of seats required by your plan (2 for Plus, 3 for Pro). If the number of seats falls below the minimum, you will still be charged for the minimum required seats.

Steps to Manage Billing

Open Billing Settings

Navigate to the "Billing" tab in the settings section of your Aethera dashboard.

View Current Plan and Seat Charges

You will see details about your current subscription plan, including:

  • Plan Name: The name of your current plan (e.g., Pro Plan - Monthly).
  • Cost: The monthly or yearly cost of the plan.
  • Seats: The number of active seats and their associated charges.

Manage Subscription

Click the “Manage Subscription” button to open a dialog where you can:

  • View Pricing Plans: See different subscription options and their respective seat charges.
  • Upgrade/Downgrade Plan: Choose a different plan that better suits your organization's needs.
  • Cancel Subscription: Option to cancel your current subscription.

Update Payment Information

Click the “Update Card Info” button to manage your payment methods. Here you can:

  • Add a New Card: Enter details of a new credit or debit card.
  • Update Existing Card: Modify details of your existing payment method.

Regularly checking your billing settings and managing seats effectively ensures that your organization is only charged for active members, optimizing your subscription costs.