Inviting Members

Managing Members

As an administrator of an organization in Aethera, you have the ability to manage members. This includes inviting new members, assigning roles, and managing permissions. This page will guide you through the steps to manage members within your organization.

Inviting Members

You can invite new members to join your organization by sending an email invitation and assigning a role.

Open the Members Section

Navigate to the "Members" tab in the settings section of your Aethera dashboard.

Click 'Invite Member'

Click the “Invite Member” button to open the invitation form.

Fill Out the Invitation Form

Enter the following details:

  • Name: The name of the person you are inviting.
  • Email: The email address where the invitation will be sent.
  • Role: Select a role for the new member from the dropdown menu. The roles available are:
    • Normal: Users with normal privileges, using data provided by the organization.
    • Data Manager: Users with privileges to upload and manage data.
    • Administrator: Users with full access, including member management and billing management.

Send the Invitation

Click the “Invite Member” button to send the invitation. The invitee will receive an email with instructions to join the organization.

Managing Existing Members

Once members have joined your organization, you can manage their roles and permissions.

Viewing Members

In the Members section, you will see two lists:

  • Active Members: Current members of your organization.
  • Pending Invites: Members who have been invited but have not yet accepted the invitation.

Changing Member Roles

To change a member's role:

  • Click on the three dots next to the member’s name in the Active Members list.
  • Select “Edit| and choose the new role from the dropdown menu.
  • Save the changes to update the member's role.

Removing Members

To remove a member:

  • You can remove a pending Invite by pressing on the delete button to the right of each invite. This will invalidate their invitation.
  • You can remove an approved member by pressing on the three dots icon next to each Active Member and selecting delete. Confirm the deletion to permanently delete a member.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage the members of your organization, ensuring that each member has the appropriate level of access and privileges to contribute effectively to your team’s goals.


Proper management of members is crucial for maintaining the security and efficiency of your organization's operations. Ensure that roles are assigned based on the member’s responsibilities and access needs.