Starting Chats

Starting Chats

Aethera enables you to create highly customizable chat sessions using various Document Sets, Personas, and other settings to fit your specific needs. Here’s how to start a new chat:

Steps to Create a Chat

Open the New Chat Dialog

Navigate to the "New Chat" button located in the sidebar of your Aethera dashboard.

Configure Your Chat Settings

In the dialog that appears, you can configure the following settings:

  • Document Set: Choose the relevant Document Set you want the chat to be based on.
  • Persona: Select a Persona that will act as the subject matter expert for this chat.
  • Tone: Set the tone of the chat to match the desired mood (e.g., Serious, Casual).
  • Writing Style: Choose a writing style that fits the context (e.g., Academic, Conversational).

Start the Chat

After configuring your settings, click the “Start Chat” button. This will initiate the chat session with the specified configurations.

Viewing Chat History

You can view and switch between your previous chat sessions from the Chat History menu. This menu is located in the sidebar and lists all your past chats.

  • Navigate to Chat History: Click on any chat entry in the Chat History to open and continue the conversation.
  • Organize Chats: The chats are organized by date, making it easy to find recent conversations.

Using Template Questions

To help you get started, Aethera provides template questions within the chat interface. These templates can assist in guiding the conversation and ensuring you get the most out of the chat session.


By leveraging customizable chat settings and utilizing template questions, you can enhance your interactions with Aethera’s AI, making it a powerful tool for gathering insights and information tailored to your specific needs.